11 Memorable YouTube Bread Songs & More

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YouTube Bread Songs

YouTube Bread Songs

Bread was an American soft rock band from Los Angeles, California.

They had 13 songs chart on the Billboard Hot 100 between 1970 and 1977. If you are looking for a good YouTube Bread songs video, here is one with their greatest hits along with YouTube Bread Songs lyrics.

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Goodlyfe Crew Radio and Weasel – Heart Attack (Vuvuzela) Offical Music HD Video

The year was 2008. Finally, I was achieving a long-held childhood dream: I had officially moved to Uganda.

Nothing could contain the joy I felt inside.

Finally, I lived in the place that I affectionately call “the home of my heart.”

It was not a period of my life without uncertainties, but finally I had done it!

It was during this time in my life that I first heard the music of the Ugandan artist I want to talk about today: Mowzey Radio.

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Discovering Mowzey Radio’s Music

As half of the music duo Radio & Weasel, Mowzey Radio was hard to miss that year because, everywhere you went in Uganda, you were bound to come across the catchy love song “Nakudata”, sung part in Swahili, part in Luganda, and part in English.

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I was hooked!

I loved the song and would often play it on repeat.

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But to be honest, it’s the song I liked.

I didn’t know much about Radio & Weasel.

I had no clue whether they would be a one-hit wonder or if they would have longevity on the Ugandan music scene.

Fast forward two years, and it was clear that Radio & Weasel were a musical force to reckon with.

They had kept a steady stream of hits coming, and even though I had since moved to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, they were playing on my car radio, being played at clubs…you name it.

To hear the distinct melodious voice of Mowzey Radio or the ruff-and-gruff sound of Weasel’s Jamaican-style dancehall animations in a song would have my ears perking up in attention, either to sing along to one of their songs whose lyrics I knew, of course, or to take note of a new song that I could be sure I would soon come to love.

Radio & Weasel

Bad News About Mowzey Radio

And then on February 1, 2018, I was chatting on Whatsapp with a Ugandan-American friend who lives in Washington, D.C.

As our conversations often do nowadays, this one too was laced with the marked awareness of our quickly advancing age.

Then, seemingly out of the blue, my friend wrote:

“Life is short. Look at Radio and Weasel. Dude died earlier.

Radio died. I’m sad, I loved his voice.”

Surely, she couldn’t be right.

Not Mowzey Radio of Radio & Weasel.

How had I not heard? How had this news skipped me in Tanzania and traveled all the way to the U.S. before I found out?

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I quickly checked on the internet to see if there was any truth to what my friend was telling me.

A shot from the goodlyfe crew bread & butter official video
A shot from the Goodlyfe Crew Bread & Butter official video

Sadly, it was true: Mowzey Radio was no more.

I was stupefied…and two months later, I still can’t quite wrap my head around it.

Why Mowzey? Why someone so young? And particularly, why a talent that had touched so many lives? Furthermore, why such a futile death?

We may never get answers to these questions but today, I would like to do my little part in celebrating a musician who brought me, and so many others, a whole lot of fun and joy.

Today, folks, I would like to share with you my favorite Mowzey Radio songs.

In fact, I will share 9 to be precise.

Why 9 not 10? Because, I just couldn’t do it!

I couldn’t limit my selection to only ten songs, so I am going to cheat a little.

Photo credits: BREAD (David Gates, James Griffin & Co.) 

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