“Lova Nantenaina”, Rock Garden & More

"Lova Nantenaina"

READ ALSO: Adventuring Around Tanzania & More

“Lova Nantenaina”

Lova Nantenaina, born 7 March 1977, is a Malagasy film director.

Alongside his wife Eva Lova and Candy Radifera, he formed the production company Endemika Films in 2008.

Most of Endemika Films’ output has been short programming for children. The company also produces documentaries.

Lova Nantenaina released his first feature documentary Avec Presque Rien… in 2013, featuring the poverty that he grew up with in Antananarivo, Madagascar. It received the Sustainable Development Award at the Vues d’Afrique festival in Montreal.

In 2014, Lova Nantenaina directed the documentary Ady Gasy, which  details Nantenaina’s interviews with Malagasy people about the conditions in their country.

It received the Eden Grand Prize for best documentary at the Lumière d’Afrique festival as well as the Indian Ocean Prize at the International Film Festival of Africa and the Islands.

Rock Garden Near Me: Rock Garden Morogoro

We only had to drive two minutes to find ourselves at an establishment called Rock Garden Morogoro.

Had we not seen the rocks and the stream earlier, we’d have thought that it was just an ordinary local outdoor pub.

There was loud good music playing—it was a Saturday after all—and there was sweet-smelling meat on the grill.

We each paid Tsh. 2,000 to enter Rock Garden Morogoro. Though tempted by the meat on the grill, we decided to first deal with what had brought us there to begin with.

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Rock Garden Morogoro: The Rocky Stream (Gardens Near Me to Visit)

We asked for directions to the stream and were pointed in the right direction.

For a minute we became kids again.

We rushed in the direction we were pointed and immediately began to climb rocks.

We saw the stream which, in places, formed mini-ponds.

In the distance, we could hear the sound of rushing water.

We decided to follow the stream to its source.

Guy on Easel at Morogoro Rock Garden

There were couples holding hands, enjoying nature.

We saw a guy at an easel drawing away.

We came to a patch of bamboo trees and like primary school children, etched our names on them.

First me and my boyfriend, then me and my childhood friend, and then we went back to following the stream.

We crossed it at points, leaping from rock to rock; we climbed rocks; and of course there was the occasional slip and fall.

We followed the stream as far as we could, until we began to feel that maybe we had ventured too far.

We could hear what sounded like a waterfall ahead but the path in front of us looked a little daunting.

Wisdom got the better of us, we decided to head back.

We let the sound of the music lead us, and soon we were back where we’d begun.

As we left the stream, its beautiful rocks and foliage, we turned around and gave it one last wistful look.

Then, we headed off to the bar.

Rock Garden Restaurant

We sat on one of the decks overlooking a ravine, enjoyed a cold drink, and savored the last of our holiday.

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We all wished we could try some of the meat on the grill but the truth is none of us were hungry enough yet.

After we had regained our breath and some energy, we got back on the road and continued to Dar es Salaam.

Morogoro Iringa Dar es Salaam Road Sign, Tanzania

This adventure at Rock Garden in Morogoro could quite easily have been one of the best parts of our trip to Mikumi National Park.

Personally, I wished we could have just chilled and relaxed there for the rest of the day, but alas my travel companions wanted to be in Dar es Salaam before dark. (In hindsight, they were completely right: the driving on the road as we approached Dar es Salaam in the evening was CRAZY!).

Still, when I am next in Morogoro, I will definitely schedule a whole afternoon just to while away at the Rock Garden. If you’re ever in Morogoro and looking for something fun to do, you might just want to check it out too!

Until the next time,

Rock Garden Menu, Torquay

Snacks Print Corner Restaurant Mbarara

Snacks Print Corner Restaurant is located on the 1st floor of GBK Plaza in Mbarara. GBK Plaza can be found on Mackansigh Street opposite Ntare Road and Stanbic Bank.

Photo Credits: Film-Documentaire.frronnieborr.com

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