Welcome to ChickAboutTown.com

Hi! Welcome to ChickAboutTown.com. I am not yet sure what this blog will become, but I guess if it’s ever going to happen, I need to just get started. 🙂

Let me start by introducing myself. For the purpose of this blog, please feel free to call me Biche. That’s not pronounced b**ch, but rather \bish\. I have a passion for all things good. I love to go out. I love to travel. I love anything that truly stands out above the crowd.

ChickAboutTown.com would like to be your guide to the good things in life. Of course, that will only be good things based on my own life experience. Still, I hope a thing or two (or a lot more than that), mentioned in this blog, enriches your life and gives you a few moments of unadulterated pleasure. Whenever you visit one of the places I mention, or try a product I recommend, please write a comment about it. I would love to know what others have to say about the places/things I review. If you have recommendations of your own, please feel free to comment about those too. That way, we can start a 2-way conversation about the things of note that we come across during the course of our daily lives.

As I mentioned earlier, I like to go out – a lot! I currently live in Nairobi, Kenya, so many of the reviews I write will be most relevant to people who live here. They will be reviews of places to go, things to do, and products available here. Nonetheless, wherever you are in the world, you might just discover a useful tip or two here. To all my readers, I wish you a big, hearty welcome. I look forward to seeing how this conversation grows and enriches our lives. For now, let’s get the conversation started.

See also  5 Important Microfiber Towel for Hair Benefits

Yours Truly,


  1. Hi “chickanouttown”,

    Well I think you are onto something here.

    Would love read reviews on restaurant service, esp bad service, your opinion on it and how it can be improved on in each establishment you frequent.
    Would also like to hear an opinion on how menus can be improved, either by adding on or subtracting what is currently on them.

    You may/may not have guessed, but this is something i am really passionate about, ok anal!!!

    Keep up the good work.


  2. Hi Cynthia,

    Thanks so much for your feedback – I aim to please and will try to get more of that on here.

    I hope you enjoy the posts on this site. Please bear with me when I am not so regular with posting. 🙂


  3. Thanks for all of your posts. but
    really ? i don’t think so guys check this url and change your mind.
    Lida Thanks. Have a nice day !

    1. Hi Lida,

      Welcome to ChickAboutTown!

      I am so sorry but I do not quite understand your comment. What is it that you disagree with?


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