Was This Gin Grants Indeed? & More

Was This Gin Grants Indeed?

The information was right there.

Grants Gin was indeed made by William Grant & Sons, the same distillers that make Grant’s Blended Scotch Whisky.

I guess it was there for me to see all along had I paid closer attention to the bottle’s label and its unusual triangular shape (similar to that of a Grant’s Whisky bottle).

Whatever the case, I made a mental note to find out more, just as I did when I first discovered Bacardi Black (again in Dar es Salaam).

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That’s when things began to fall apart. A visit to the William Grants & Sons website made no mention of Grant’s Gin. In fact, a general Internet search for this beverage yielded almost no information.

It seemed very few people (3 that I could find) had ever heard of or drank the drink.

In fact, one website even mentioned that William Grant & Sons (or Glenfiddich, in particular) made Grant’s Gin but would no longer admit to it (why would a distiller do that?).

This was all beginning to look quite shady to me!

So now I turn to you, dear reader, in case you might be able to shed some light on the mystery of Grant’s Gin. First things first, have you ever seen Grant’s Gin?

If so, when and where (country, year)?

Who to the best of your knowledge produces this drink, and why do you think there is such little information about it?

Do you think that, maybe, in East Africa, we receive counterfeit William Grant & Sons products (you know that’s what I’m thinking now!)?

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Whatever the case, I am looking extremely forward to hearing what you have to say.

I hope all is well with you today and wish you a fantastic beginning of the week!

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Grants Whiskey Price Sri Lanka

You can expect to pay around LKR 8,550 – 9,350 for a 750 ml bottle of Grants Whisky in Sri Lanka.

Hendricks Gin Review Reddit

Hendrick’s Gin is another gin produced by William Grant & Sons, one that I love very much.

If you are wondering what Redditors have to say about Hendrick’s Gin, you can find a discussion about that here.

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