To Live Diet in LA & How I Lost 38.5 Kilos in a Year and a Half

The Eat to Live Diet: One Must Eat to Live

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To Live Diet in LA

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READ ALSO: Eat to Live Diet Results

Free 3-Day Meal Plan from To Live Diet in LA

If you would like a meal plan to go along with the exercises above from To Live & Diet in L.A., just head on over to, subscribe to the mailing list, and the meal plan will be delivered directly to your email inbox.

5’7 Weight Chart

Weight chart

Eat to Live Diet Plan

The Eat to Live diet starts with a strict 6-week plan and then proceeds to a more sustainable lifestyle or maintenance mode.

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The 6-week plan shows that if you eat foods that are high in nutrients and low in calories, you can eat more and feel fuller for longer.

Dr. Fuhrman, the author of the program, calls this a “nutritarian” diet.

On this plan, you cut down on some carbs such as bread, pasta, sugar, and oil.

You also quit meat and dairy for at least 6 weeks, and eat more whole fruits, vegetables, beans, other legumes, and whole grains.

Eat to Live Meal Plan

If you are looking for sample Eat to Live menus, you can find some here.

How to Eat to Live

In unlimited quantities, you may eat:

  • Raw vegetables
  • Steamed or cooked green vegetables, eggplant, mushrooms, peppers, onions, tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower, and more
  • Beans and other legumes. Dr. Fuhrman suggests eating 1 cup of these daily to benefit fully from the fiber and resistant starch that they contain, which help you feel full and pass through your intestine without being digested.
  • At least four fresh fruits per day, but no juice. You can have frozen fruit, but not canned. You can use dried fruit sparingly, as a sweet accent.
to live diet in LA: eat natural foods like this
Foods you can eat on The Eat to Live Diet

In limited quantities, you may have:

  • 1 cup per day of cooked starchy vegetables or whole grains (winter squash, corn, potatoes, rice, bread, cereal)
  • 1 ounce per day of raw nuts and seeds
  • 2 ounces per day of avocado (1/5 of a medium avocado is 1 ounce)
  • 2 tablespoons per day of dried fruit
  • 1 tablespoon per day of ground flaxseed


  • Dairy products
  • Animal products
  • Snacks between meals
  • Fruit juice
  • Oils
  • Processed foods
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Dr. Fuhrman says it’s best to avoid alcohol if possible, but you can have one drink a day if that will help you stay on the plan.

Cheering in the light

Dr Fuhrman Meal Plan

If you would like specific meal plans put together by Dr. Fuhrman, you can find those here.

Eat to Live Diet Before and After/Eat to Live Before and After

Here is a picture of me right before I started my weightloss journey–I am on the left.

And here’s a not-so-good picture of me (but one of the only ones I could find) taken towards the end of my Eat to Live journey (I am on the far right) eating a huge chunk of nyama choma (grilled meat) with friends and family from out of town.

At the end of the eat to live diet

Eat to Live Not Live to Eat Book

The Eat to Live Diet: Lose 20 pounds or more in six weeks – safely is a book written in 2003 by Dr. Joel Fuhrman.

A revised version, Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss, was released in 2011.

The book offers a formula for weight loss that health equals nutrients divided by calories.

The original book is an easy quick read (I haven’t read the revised edition) and I, personally, recommend it very highly!

My Amazing Eat to Live Results (Eat to Live 6 Week Plan Results)

I first began to Eat to Live, not really intending to stay on the program but rather just to try it out.

Somehow, one day led to the next, and I found myself practicing The Eat to Live Diet for several months.

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In that time, I was never hungry on the regimen and my Eat to Live results were astonishing.

Within 3 months, I had lost 15 kilograms, in half the time it had taken me to lose 15 kilograms before I started The Eat to Live Diet.

This is exactly what I’d always wanted but had just never dared hope for.

Photo Credits:;;;; Marco Verch, VeryWellMind


  1. Wow I’m inspired I’m off to text book centre to buy this book this is a battle that can be won!

    1. Hi Starlicious,

      Welcome to ChickAboutTown.

      Yes, the battle can be won! Good luck! If you feel like sharing, please come back to share your success story! 😉


  2. you are so right, i spend so much time on the
    treadmill but i eat like a pig…thus the big booty
    thank u for sharing this. I will start my diet
    right now

    1. LOL.

      Big booty is not necessarily bad. No matter how much I weigh, my booty still insists on having it’s place on my body. I’ve just learned to accept it and love it. 🙂

      Still overweight can be a health issue – so you do what you need to do. Good luck on the diet! Let me know how it goes.


  3. I know you like food like me. That is one of the things I love about your blog.If I was in Nairobi, I could see myself comparing notes on restaurants with you.

    I have tried to locate this book in London bookshops today, and it is out of print!

    However I can get it on Amazon.

    The thing with diets, is it helps to know someone who can vouch for them.

    You gave me so much steam, I must have lost a few pounds today, in search of the book. I also went to a number of secondhand bookshops,as Waterstones and Borders didn’t have it, but noone had it in.

    I will keep you posted, when I start it.

    Did you know he has a website


    1. Hi Tamtam,

      Thanks so much for the link. I will update my post now! I hadn’t found this website while researching my post. The website does a great job of discussing the diet plan and the benefits of eating the way prescribed in the book. From experience, I can vouch that what the website says is all true!

      I am glad I inspired you to go out and look for the book. If I can give one person the pleasure of experiencing what I experienced and continue to experience as a result of this book, then my post will have been well worth it. I can’t wait for you to get your hands on it.

      Let me know what you think when you do!


  4. Thank you for sharing your experience. I came upon this book last week and read it quickly. I have managed my first two days on the plan. I was glad to read about your experience because you sound like a reasonable person who has had great results. The verdict is still out for me because it is such a radical change that I have to wonder how practical it is for me. My family is watching me consume asparagus for breakfast and must be thinking I’ve lost it :-). I also pray for wisdom in these matters and was encouraged to know that you have found this to be a possible answer to those prayers. Congratulations on your improved condition!


    1. Hi Kathryn,

      Welcome to ChickAboutTown! Thank you for the congrats. Are you still on this diet? How is it going so far?

      I recently tried on a pair of pants that I hadn’t worn in over a year and couldn’t fit in them, so I am back on this diet for a bit. It’s nice to know someone else out there is too.

      I’d love to hear about your experience and your success so far (because I am sure you have successes to share!) Tell me more. 😉


  5. hey guys im a 16 year old boy and i weight 217 pounds im 35 kilos overweight i would really like to know how is it possible to not think about food when ur hunger cuz i feel hungry relativly quick

    1. Hi Abdi,

      Welcome to ChickAboutTown!

      Although I am not a weight management professional, I would still like to share some tips that I’ve learned on my own weight management journey. I, too, at your age was 20 kilos overweight.

      When it comes to hunger, I don’t think that you should avoid eating when you’re hungry. Hunger is your body’s way of telling you that it needs food. If you eat when you are not hungry, then you give your body more food than it needs (which results in excess weight); but if you eat when you are hungry, then you give your body food just when it needs it, which is exactly what you should do if you want to balance how much energy your body consumes vs. how much it expends every day. Personally, I try to eat only when I am hungry, ignoring all other reasons for eating, such as social expectations, set meal times, and boredom.

      Another question you might want to consider is: what should you give your body when it tells you that it needs more food? For me, the answer has been natural, whole, unprocessed foods with an emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables – basically nutrient-rich, lower-calorie foods.

      I also recommend (if you aren’t doing it already) that you get into the habit of doing an hour of exercise every day. This can be as simple as walking or as fun as dancing. In my own life, I have found that this does wonders in helping me manage my weight. That, as well as drinking a lot of water (think: 8 glasses a day).

      I hope that helps you somewhat!

      Wishing you all the best,

  6. Hi,
    I think we have to be careful with diet. The best thing would be to eat healthy food but a little less I think.
    Food has to stay something you enjoy…
    There are some new concepts that delivers food to your place that you can easely cook, and you are sure to eat well !

  7. Hello Biche!
    Wow! Congrats again for you weight loss!

    Were you doing sport more or less when you started follow the “Eat to live” diet?

    I have those 15kg to lose also, hopefully in 2 months. Will check out for the book. Thanks for sharing your story.


    1. Hi Elodie,

      Yes, I was exercising. I used to walk to work (5 km) and then would walk up the stairs (25 flights) when I got there. But I had been working out for many months before that and actually even put on weight when I first started going to the gym. The Eat to Live Diet was what seriously sealed the deal for me. The weight just melted off.

      Good luck—you can do it! 🙂


  8. Hi Bishe
    I am so glad I came across this blog once again.
    I am familiar with this diet , and can testify that it works!! 🙂
    How I could I forget?!
    I have been walking about 4-5km up to 4 times a week for the last 4 months with no apparent weight loss. Starting TONIGHT I am starting Eat To Live!!
    Once again, thanks for resharing!


    1. Hi, my aunt.

      So nice to see you on the blog! Thanks for your comment.

      I see you and your husband or on fire with all the exercising. But yes, I also know how weight can refuse to shift even when you are exercising regularly. Eat to live! And let me know how it goes. Come back to post your success story here in the comments.

      Big Hugs,

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