Thriving and Surviving After Divorce

Certificate of Divorce

As the year comes to an end, and we prepare for a fresh start in 2019, today, let’s tackle a subject that’s a bit unusual for my blog, but that is in the same theme of endings and new beginnings: divorce and life after it.

To tell you more on this topic, I’ve got Jennifer Hunter, who would like to share a few thoughts on the subject.

Over to you, Jen….

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If you have recently gotten divorced or are considering ending your marriage, you are not alone.

In fact, divorce rates in Tanzania have been on the rise in recent years.

Many people think of divorce as a sign of failure and as a tragic end.

In reality, divorce is sad, and it is difficult to let go of a relationship. However, divorce can also be a force for positive change in your life.


If you focus on self-improvement and growth, you can turn the end of your marriage into the beginning of something new and wonderful.

Give Yourself Space to Grieve and Time to Heal

People get divorced for a wide range of reasons.

Perhaps you caught your partner engaging in an affair.

Maybe you had grown apart over the years and no longer related well to one another.

Regardless of why you got divorced, you need to understand that it is normal and necessary to grieve the end of your relationship.

Just like with death, you will need to give yourself time and space to process the emotions and loss from ending your marriage.

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It can take people weeks or even months to work through the strong emotions that result from divorce.

Giving yourself space to process those emotions is critical.

So is focusing on taking care of yourself and respecting what you need in order to heal after a divorce.

Look to the Boundless Future

Once you have worked through the intense emotions that came with divorce, you can begin to focus on your future.

Whether you hope to take your fledgling career to the next level, or dream of falling in love again, anything is possible with enough determination and focus.

Take time to get to know yourself again, and figure out what you want in your future.

Divorce is the kind of fresh start that gives you the space you need to reanalyze your life, your goals, and your dreams.

When you no longer have the responsibility to care for a spouse, there is no limit to what you may be capable of doing.


Allow yourself to experience hope and excitement over the endless possibilities for your future.

Happiness Is

Living your best life is very possible after divorce!

Make sure that you have compassion for yourself and allow yourself to move through the emotional fall out of your divorce.

Once you have handled your emotions, you can begin to focus on building a bright, new future for yourself.

So, dear reader, what do you have to say about what Jennifer has shared on the subject of divorce and life after it? Please let us know in a comment below.

Until the next time,

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  1. i read with interst jennifers piece about thriving and surviving after divorce.well this is easier said than one will understand the pain and hopelessness that comes with divorce than those who have experienced and are living do you overcome nostalgia for the good old days,places visited or frequented together with your ex spouse,the beautiful memories of old maybe courtship and dreams of the future you shared but shattered.what about the depression and sense of failure and regret that follows divorce.Dealing with divorce is not easy and takes time and hard work to overcome.

    1. Hi Charles,

      Happy new year to you! Thanks for sharing your experience of divorce. Thank you, too, for giving us another perspective from which to look at things.

      I always appreciate your comments!


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