Recognizing Grant Gin (Grant Drink)

Recognizing Grant Gin (Grant Drink)

A couple of days later, my Dad and I got to discussing the gin he’d bought me.

He told me again that he’d settled on Grant’s Gin because the name was familiar. It wasn’t familiar to me, so I decided to find out more. “How are you familiar with the name Grant’s, Dad?”, I asked.

Surprised that I would even ask such a question, my Dad mentioned Grant’s Scotch Whisky.

Duh! Of course, Grant’s as in Grant’s Scotch Whisky! Now, I knew why my father was familiar with the name Grant’s.

Grants price in Tanzania

I was excited (as I always am when I find out something new)! Grant’s made gin too? How had I never known this, almost three decades into my life?

I quickly rushed to the pantry to check out the bottle again.

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