Readers’ Choice: 15 Most Popular Posts on Chick About Town


In nine days, Chick About Town will be turning two.

I’ve greatly enjoyed writing this blog and recently decided to take a trip down memory lane to take stock of what exactly has been going on, on this blog, over the past two years.

I reread some of my older posts and, most importantly, tried to figure out which of my posts you, my readers, enjoyed most.

In doing this, several things became glaringly clear to me.

For starters, I found out that whereas you, my readers, enjoy reading about places to hang out at, you are a lot more concerned with going to the movies, shopping, and well…having sex! 🙂

Don’t stop reading me yet, I say that in jest!

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On a more serious note, to measure the popularity of a post, I took note of how much traffic it generated regularly during the first half of this year.

Although this method is not foolproof (nor particularly thorough since I know many factors go into determining how much traffic a post generates), still, I thought this was a good general indicator of which posts you found to be most interesting and relevant to you.

And so, I’ve decided to share my findings with you here.

For the newcomers to this blog (many who discovered Chick About Town through my participation in The Honest Scrap Awards), I hope this list helps you to discover more quickly the best of what Chick About Town has to offer.

For my older readers, I hope this list points you to at least one oldie-but-goodie that you haven’t read yet.

See also  Lova Nantenaina & More

Whatever the case, here is the official list.These are the 15 most popular posts on Chick About Town based on average daily traffic generated by each post during the first half of this year.

I hope you enjoy reading these posts as much as I enjoyed writing and sharing them with you.

15. Olepolos Country Club

14. Salsa Night, Safari Bar, InterContinental Nairobi

13. Soho’s, Westlands, Nairobi

12. Kosewe/Ranalo Foods

11. What I Value in KQ…

10. You Missed This – Kumekucha

9. Body N’ Soul Gym , Kilimani, Nairobi

8. Bags Whose Name I Know Not…

7. Toyota Vitz (or Echo or Yaris)

6. Nairobi – Kampala by Bus, Part I

5. Nu Metro Website

4. The Chick Behind the Blog…

3. Nakumatt, Westgate Centre

2. Nu Metro Cinemas

1. Durex Play 2-in-1 Massage Gel

Before you go, I’d like to hear from you: what has been your favorite post(s) on Chick About Town? And if you can pinpoint it, why?

READ ALSO: Durex Play Tingle Lubricant

Please let me know by leaving me a comment below.

I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Until the next time,

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  1. Of course my favourites were the Durex one and the Chick behind the blog!

    I don’t know much about KQ but never travelled with them on any international flights mainly because of their prices. What is the justification for their prices? BA, Emirates, Virgin and all these other airlines will have a lower margin of about 500 dollars sometimes even more(you would think for their prices KQ would take one to heaven!). I asked someone at KQ why they are so expensive, she told me coz they give good service! I don’t care about patriotism or pride or service with a smile, my pocket comes first.

    However, I will not fault KQ domestic flights, they are okay I guess…have only been on the one to Mombasa and it wasn’t a bad experience….only because the planes are much bigger than those Fly540 contraptions.

    Continue blogging Biche……this is a real nice place you have here.

    1. Hi Mama,

      Thanks for the feedback!

      About KQ, I have no clue why they are so expensive. Like you, I am not buying that answer given to you by that person working at KQ. Hmmm!!

      But coming to think about it, maybe KQ is just not competitive on certain routes yet is competitive on others where they can afford to be. I was recently speaking with a cousin who is headed to the Far East for business, and like yet another friend of mine who travels often to the same destinations, she was telling me that KQ is by far the cheapest ticket she can find for the journey she will be making. That’s what my other friend says too. Maybe KQ’s high price (according to us) is due to a high cost of providing service on certain routes. Who knows?

      Fly540 contraptions?! Hehehe…have you traveled with Fly540 before? Tell all! I’d like to know what kind of service you get for the very inexpensive travel prices they offer! 🙂


  2. Belated Happy Birthday to chickabouttown – has it really been two years?? Well done!! May you have many more exciting and rewarding years here.. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Vive!

      Believe it or not, it has now been 2 and one-third year already. I can’t believe it myself! It has been an exciting and interesting journey.

      Thanks for the good wishes.

      My Love,

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