Malindi Snorkeling & More

Malindi Snorkeling

Snorkeling at Malindi Marine Park, for me, consisted of three very different experiences.

There was a section of the park that was shallow, with coral and colorful fish swimming around, sort of like at Kisite but less pretty.

Then, there was a section that was extremely deep with huge, mammoth coral lying on the ocean floor. This was interesting but a bit scary.

Here, the fish were bigger but the gigantic coral was what was most fascinating.

Snorkeling in Malindi Marine Park

It made my thoughts jump to horror movies I’d watched, and as I observed the coral in amazement, I half expected something to reach out and pull me to the depths of the ocean floor…forever!

Still, somehow, I couldn’t tear myself away.

In the last section that I saw, the coral was almost forest-like: tightly packed and very green.

Although it was hundreds of meters into the ocean, this section was surprisingly shallow.

I know one’s not meant to step on live coral, but I had to just to gauge how shallow the section really was.

When I did, the water came up only to my chest.

It was surreal to be standing in the middle of the ocean, far from shore, and yet in water shallower than most swimming pools.

Coral at Malindi Marine Park

With the environment around our boat fully explored, it was time to go back to shore.

It was only early afternoon when we got there. We had the whole day ahead of us to enjoy Malindi and that’s exactly what we did.

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Enjoying the Beach in Malindi

We sat by the beach all afternoon and well into the night, getting to know each other better and generally enjoying our surroundings.

Much later in the night, the others decided to head out into Malindi town to explore the town’s nightlife.

Lethargic from the late night, the night before, and from sitting around chillaxing all day, I chose to forgo that adventure.

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Instead, I thought I’d stay in, get to bed early (didn’t happen!) and conserve my energy for the next day’s ride back to Nairobi, which was scheduled to take us through Tsavo East National Park.

Malindi by night

But…that’s a story for another day.

READ ALSO: Durex Foam & More

To know as soon as I post that story, you can subscribe to this blog here.

For now, I hope you’re having a great start to the year!

Until the next time,

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