
When you think of visiting an old historical UNESCO World Heritage Site located on a Tanzanian island, what comes to mind?

I am pretty sure…Stone Town, Zanzibar!

What if I told you that there is another place in Tanzania that fits the exact same description—a place with a history that goes back further than Stone Town and which, at its height, was of even greater global importance?

It’s true, I tell you. That place, Kilwa, is what I would like to tell you about today.

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Inside The Great Mosque of Kilwa
Inside The Great Mosque of Kilwa

How I First Heard About Kilwa, the Island With the Oldest Mosque in East Africa

I first heard of the Kilwa Sultinate, many years ago in 10th grade African history class. It surprised me to learn of this ancient civilization in Tanzania, my own country.

It surprised me even more to be learning about this for the first time in my mid-teens.

I lived in the Côte d’Ivoire, at the time, so didn’t pursue it further. Instead, I internalized that the ruins of Kilwa were still standing today and made a mental note to find out more one day, when I was older and in Tanzania.

The perfect opportunity presented itself not too long ago, when a man I was seeing told me about an amazing solo trip he had taken to Kilwa, during his vacations a couple of months before we started dating. A dhow in the Indian Ocean, Kilwa Masoko

He’d had such a great time there that he suggested we go back together so I could experience it too. So, we did.

Before I go on and tell you about my experience of Kilwa, perhaps I should begin by telling you about the ancient Kilwa Sultinate so that  you understand what all the fuss is about.

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