Kenylon Baked Beans—Delightfully Good!

Baked Beans on Toast

Did you come to this post looking for more information on Kenylon baked beans? If so, let me tell you about those and about the different ways you can eat baked beans.

Kenylon Baked Beans

Kenylon baked beans are a brand of baked beans produced in Kenya.

They are as delicious as any and can help make a quick meal, or snack, as well as be a treat in the morning for breakfast.

Like many canned baked beans, Kenylon Baked Beans come in tomato sauce.

Baked Beans Near Me

The weight in a standard can of these beans is 420 g. Although many brands of baked beans are available on most good Kenyan supermarket shelves, Kenylon Baked Beans give amazing value for money without compromising taste.

Baked Beans Price in Kenya/Canned Beans Kenya

Kenylon Baked Beans are very well priced, and you can expect to pay about Ksh. 100 give or take for a can. Check them out here online for Ksh. 86/-.

Are you a big fan of Kenylon baked beans? If so, leave me a comment below and tell me when you eat them and in what preferred form.

When I was a young girl in nursery school, my favorite lunchtimes were when I came home to find my Mom ready to make me a grilled cheese sandwich with baked beans on top. I loved grilled cheese without the baked beans too, but the beans lifted my meal to a whole new level. I can still conjure the taste now just thinking about it.

See also  Beans for Your Health

Over the years, I continued to enjoy baked beans, though not nearly as often as I would have liked to. I’d have baked beans when traveling, as part of a hotel breakfast, or when my girls and I would go out for (or cook) brunch during my university days. And yes, because I cook occasionally too, sometimes, during a festive brunch, I’d be sure to include a batch of beans too.

You Don’t Have to Save Baked Beans for a Special Occasion

Still, I needn’t have saved baked beans only for special occasions because 1) they are easily available almost anywhere, 2) they are very inexpensive, and 3) beans are good for your health.

How do you like to eat your baked beans? For me, I like to keep it simple. I heat the beans in a pan or dish (i.e stove or microwave), I add a knob of butter (the butter does something I tell you!), add some black pepper to taste, and then serve this on or with toast. Nothing complicated, but it hits the spot every time!

Baked beans and scrambled eggs on toast

Do you know, though, that you can do so much more with your baked beans? Yesterday, while perusing the Heinz Beanz website, I found this recipe for Corned Beef and Beanz Shepherd’s Pie. What an interesting way to serve up two canned classics! Although I haven’t tried this recipe before, it’s definitely something I plan to get around to soon.

Kenylon Baked Beans

Has all this talk of baked beans got you craving? If so, that was exactly my intention. 😉 Obey your craving! Pick up a can of baked beans the next time you are out doing some shopping (or you could just make them from scratch yourself—a process than can take up to 5 hours—NOT!).

See also  East Africa Pictures

Remember though, when you are out shopping, that you don’t have to stick to imported brands. In East Africa, Kenylon produces baked beans to rival any other. And now I will say no more.



Beans on Toast Wikipedia

If you are looking for a Wikipedia page about beans on toast, you can find that here.

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Photo Credits: By Phil and Pam Gradwell (to be) from Culcheth, England (Day 116 – Beans on Toast) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia CommonsWikipedia

Categorised as Food


  1. Just bought the Kenylon beans yesterday, they have become a staple. Great for breakfast, as a snack, with pasta…. Anywho, just one inconvenience with the packaging, how to reseal the cans since a can can take me through three breakfasts. Wish they could add the plastic lids like the ones that come with the jam cans.

    1. Hi Kafai,

      That’s true, I’ve encountered that problem with Kenylon beans before to. When I am not lazy, I try to put them into tupperware or some sort of other covered container before putting them away in the fridge, but sometimes, the beans go into the fridge in their original tin. Is someone at Kenylon reading perhaps?

      (By the way, I was just over at your blog. Congratulations on moving out! There few things in life as beautiful as having your own space. Enjoy! :-))


  2. Hey. First time around here. Nice space.

    Looove baked beans. I have a few cans of sitting in the fridge for some time now and this post prompts me to have some today. I love them on toast and also with instant noodles and a mean salad. I’ll try these other recipes too. Or even with rice and veggies.

    I love kenylon the most. A plastic lid please for the hygiene as it’s next to impossible to finish a whole tin in one sitting.

    1. Hi Shiko-Msa,

      Welcome to ChickAboutTown, and thanks for the kudos. I see both you and Kafai have the same complaint about Kenylon. I hope someone from there is listening.

      I have never tried baked beans with instant noodles. I’ll have to some time. 🙂 Thanks for sharing. I look forward to seeing more of you here around ChickAboutTown.


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