Kariakoo Clothes

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Kariakoo Clothes

My brother tells me (as I figured out that first day) that Congo Street is the main street in Kariakoo for apparel shopping.

Well the truth is, it’s not just Congo Street, but also the many smaller streets that intersect Congo Street.

On our shopping trip that day, we saw all kinds of apparelwomen’s wear, men’s wear, shoes, handbags, jewelry—and all manner of other stuff.

To tell you the truth though, after a whole afternoon of shopping, Congo Street didn’t impress me much.

Although things were inexpensive like I thought they’d be, most of what I saw was also of very poor quality.

For the most part, the clothes were cheap synthetic Chinese knock-offs that weren’t even particularly beautiful.

Where I did stop and try on clothes, I was unhappy that I rarely had anywhere decent to try them on (and I have shopped in places like Sunbeam and Toi Market in Nairobi, Owino Market in Kampala, etc. and not had this problem), as well as no proper mirror to see how the clothes looked on me (who cares how inexpensive clothes are if all they’ll do is sit in your closet?).

Anyhow, I returned from Congo Street that day a little disappointed. In fact, I bought less than I’d intended to.

Not to form a judgment from one visit, I decided to visit Congo Street again another day. This time, hopefully, I’d be able to browse in a more leisurely manner. I finally did that a few days ago.

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