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Instagram Fave No. 16: Sauti Sol Sings the Tanzanian National Anthem
When @Sautisol played at Escape 1 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, they performed a beautiful rendition of the Tanzanian national anthem. We, Tanzanians, were so stroked. It was a really nice touch. And when the crowd was thoroughly blown away they hit us with Lazizi. It was a high moment!
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Instagram Fave No. 15: The Indian Ocean from Kilwa, Tanzania
The view from my room at the Kilwa Pakaya Hotel in Kilwa Masoko, Tanzania.
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Instagram Fave No. 14: Lake Mburo, Western Uganda
Lake Mburo, Lake Mburo National Park, western Uganda.
Instagram Fave No. 13: The Fort at Kilwa Kisiwani
The ruin of a 16th century fort on Kilwa Kisiwani (the island of Kilwa), Tanzania.
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