Further Reading on East African Dating & More

Further Reading on East African Dating

Before I sign off, allow me to share some links that I found on the subject.

I hope you find these as interesting as I did.

Hopefully, they might cause you to consider points of view that you may never have considered before.

If they raise any thoughts that you’d like to share, then leave me a comment below.  (Please keep in mind the value of being respectful and tolerant of others.)

African Couple

  1. KENYA: Dating dilemmas: Risk rejection or stick to positive partners? and Joanna: “Dating is hectic, so I put a personal ad in the paper”– reflections on HIV-positive dating in Kenya and Uganda, respectively
  2. One Gay Man’s Adventures in Uganda and A Gay Wedding. In Uganda! – two gay perspectives both about Uganda, the first one written by a foreigner, the second by a Ugandan
  3. OyungaPala.com – I can’t say enough about how much I LOVE to read Oyunga Pala. Check out his blog for the perspective of a straight-talking Kenyan man who tells it like it is!

READ ALSO: Breastfeeding: Give Breast Milk to Newborns in the First Hour of Life for Full Benefits of Breastfeeding.

Meet African Men: African Men Dating Site

If you are interested specifically in dating African men, here are three sites where you are highly likely to find them: 

    1. AfroIntroductions
    2. TrulyAfrican, and
    3. AfricanLove

Dating West African Man/Dating West African Men

Although I can wax lyrical about dating East African men–that’s where I’ve spent most of my adult life–I really can’t tell you much about dating West African men, even though I grew up in la Côte d’Ivoire.

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Although I know my share of West African men from all over the region, I left la Côte d’Ivoire for Montreal, Canada when I was 16 to go to college.

I dated West African men casually when I was younger (until perhaps the age of 21) but I can’t really say what it’s like to date West African men seriously.

Perhaps, you might be able to tell me. If so, please spill the tea! Leave me a comment below telling me what you have deduced/concluded from your experience of dating West African men.

That’s it from me today!

I wish you a fantastic end to your week and look forward to reading your comments.

Until the next time,

East African Men Hair

East African men, from different parts of the region–both traditionally and today–are known to have interesting hair.

Let me share pictures of some of these with you here:

Karayuu man hair
Karrayyu man with his Gunfura traditional hairstyle in Gadaa ceremony, Ethiopia.
Rwandan man with Amasunzu hairstyle, 1923
A Somali man with traditional hairstyle
A Somali man with traditional hairstyle
A modern-day men’s hairstyle in urban East Africa
Traditional Rwandan amasunzu hairstyle

Categorised as Hair

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