Friday is Here Again!

Friday, I Love You

Guess what, readers? Finally, Furahi-day has rolled around again!

In case you don’t know, Furahi means “be happy” in Swahili.

Doesn’t the thought of Friday simply fill you with happiness?

Believe it or not, the weekend is here again.

What are you going to do to celebrate its advent?

READ ALSO: Uber, the Holiday Season, and Dynamic Pricing.

What I Like to Do on Fridays

Today, I am planning to meet up with a childhood friend who tells me that there is a club night at Club Malaika in Dar es Salaam.

I have no idea where that is, but I am looking forward to discovering yet another place in Dar.

What do you usually do on Fridays?

A couple of years ago, I had a very set Friday routine.

After a long week at work, I would first celebrate the advent of the weekend by attending a salsa class.

I’d then rush home, change and have dinner, then head off to the Nairobi InterContinental for salsa night.

Friday after Friday, this never failed to hit the spot.

Nowadays, things are not as crystal clear for me. When Friday rolls around, what I do is dependent on what mood I am in and who I feel like spending time with.

This Friday, I might be going dancing with a friend but last Friday, I was indoors watching TV with my mother and my brother.

The week before that, I was in Zanzibar having dinner at Forodhani Gardens.

READ ALSO: Week Days in Swahili

What Do You Do on Fridays?

How do you spend your Fridays? I’d love to hear from you so that I can hang out like you do one of these days. 🙂

See also  No. 13: Accommodation in Dar es Salaam - Sunset at Coral Beach Hotel & More

Whatever you decide to do,  I wish you a great Friday and a fantastic weekend to boot!

Happy Furahi-Day,

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Photo Credit: In My Green Boots


  1. It’s funny that no one really comments on your blog when some of us pass by everyday. Very interesting content you have here . . . keep up the good work missy!

  2. Thanks for the comment Uhhmm (Ok, I figure your handle is for the purpose of anonymity),

    At least now I know my stats are not from random internet lurkers but from actual readers of my blog. If you pass by every day, I definitely should endeavour to write every day.

    I’m on it!


  3. Hi Biche,

    I have heard so much about your blog but had never gotten the chance to read it. I am so glad I finally managed! You got yourself a new follower (?)!

    As for furahi-day, I can hardly wait for it. This time round instead of going to my usual hang at a bar and restaurant called Zone 7 in Kampala (has the greatest pork ribs), i will go to Protea Hotel. I met some friends there a few days back for a short time and instantly fell in love. I loved the brown and cream as a color scheme and the sound of water running of rocks!! In those few minutes I felt like a millionaire and all the days stress fall off my shoulders. I cant wait to go back with hubby!

    Have a great Furahi-day as well

  4. Hi my Aunt DTO,

    What a pleasure to finally see you about ChickAboutTown. Welcome! (To everyone else, meet DTO my Aunt who gave me the nickname Biche. :-))

    Protea is fantastic, isn’t it? I once found myself there for a meeting, and loved it’s neatness and compactness. I agree with you – it makes you feel like a millionaire for a moment. It really takes you away from the everyday hustle and bustle of Kampala. Did you eat anything there? If so, what was the food there like? I’ll definitely write a review of it soon!

    Welcome once more!


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