Old Nairobi Photos & 6 Other East African Photos

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Old Nairobi Pictures/Old Nairobi Photos/Nairobi Old Photos

East African photos: A gate built by the Sikh community to welcome Princess Margaret to Kenya in 1956
Old Nairobi Pictures #1: A gate built by the Sikh community to welcome Princess Margaret to Kenya in 1956
Old Nairobi Pictures #2: Kenyatta Avenue (then Delamere Avenue) in the 1930s
Kenya Cinema

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5 Other East African Photos

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The Milk Hut at the Royal Palace Museum in Nyanza, Rwanda

east african honey instagram mans a Rwandan milk hut

In my last picture, I shared a picture of the beer house at the King’s Palace Museum in Nyanza, Rwanda. This is the other beverage house, dedicated to milk and its derivative products. In the days of yore, an unmarried female virgin manned the milk hut. Why unmarried and virgin? Word has it that this was so that no man would have easy access to poison the King’s milk.

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Alcohol Hut, King’s Palace Museum, Nyanza, Rwanda

Alcohol Hut, King’s Palace Museum, Nyanza, Rwanda

At the Rwandan King’s court in Nyanza, Rwanda, two beverages were prized above all others with specially built houses dedicated to them, staffed with special keepers to man them: milk and beer.

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This here is the beer house where a male keeper would make/store beer and select the best beer of the day to send to the King’s court. The beer could be made of banana, honey, or sorghum.

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International Breastfeeding Week

east african honey instagram breastfeeds a baby

Breastfeeding: Give Breast Milk to Newborns in the First Hour of Life for Full Benefits of Breastfeeding

“’Making babies wait too long for the first critical contact with their mother outside the womb decreases the newborn’s chances of survival, limits milk supply and reduces the chances of exclusive breastfeeding,’ points out UNICEF Senior Nutrition Adviser France Bégin. ‘If all babies are fed nothing but breast milk from the moment they are born until…”

Photo Credit: John Atherton

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Art Found on the Walls of the Centre Béthanie Guesthouse in Kibuye, Rwanda

east african honey instagram in Rwandan artwork from Kibuye

(I accidentally deleted the original caption for this picture while putting together this post. To tell you a little about it though: I found this painting on the wall of the Centre Béthanie Guesthouse in Kibuye, Rwanda and thought it too beautiful not to take a picture of. The painting features a Rwandan woman with a traditional headpiece holding a gourd used to churn milk. I found this simply lovely!)

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The Ndaba Falls, Rwanda

Near Kibuye in western Rwanda are these falls known as the Ndaba Falls. The best part of visiting the falls are the kids who act as local guides here. They’ve memorized their spiel in 7 languages (most of them foreign) and they’ll tell you the story of Ndaba in the language of your choice for a little change. Be mindful not to ask them a question in the middle of their presentation, though, because then they’ll have to start again from the beginning. Such a hoot!

And now for the story of Ndaba:

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An Interesting East African Honey Instagram Story

Long ago, there lived a man named Ndaba. One day, Ndaba was in the forest searching for honey with men from his village. As he was walking, he spied a rock with a great crack in it. Bees were buzzing in and out of the crack, so Ndaba decided to climb the rock to investigate. At the top, he saw that deep inside the rock there were enormous honeycombs dripping with honey.

Ndaba shouted to the other men, and then climbed down into the rock to investigate. When he reached the bottom, he began stuffing himself with honey using both hands.

The rest of the honey seekers soon arrived, and lowered down pots so Ndaba could fill them with honey. Ndaba started to fill the pots with honey, but the temptation was too great, and he continued to eat more honey than he put into the pots. Soon the other men outside the rock started to become impatient. They started yelling down to Ndaba, saying, “hurry up Ndaba, it is going to be dark soon!”

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A Bad End to the East African Honey Instagram Story

Ndaba paid them no heed even when the men started shouting angry words at Ndaba. Nothing they could say would make him hurry. Finally, the furious men pulled up their empty pots and left Ndaba there in the rock. Ndaba was so engrossed in the honey that he didn’t notice when the other men had gone. When he finally had eaten his fill, he tried to climb back out of the rock, but the walls were too slippery. Try as he might, Ndaba could not find a way out of the rock, and to punish him for his greed the other men did not come back to help him out.

East African Honey Instagram Story: How Ndaba’s Rock & Ndaba Falls Got Their Name

Ndaba never did escape that rock, and eventually he died there at the bottom, next to the honeycombs. That is how the place became known as Ndaba’s Rock.

Caption credit: rwandaforyou.com

Photo Credits: Nostalgic East Africa, A Chiselled Cornucopia

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