Durex Instagram & Uganda Instagram Pics

Durex Instagram Logo

Did you come to this post looking for the Durex IG account? If so, here is what I can tell you about that.

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Durex Instagram

Durex has a couple of verified Instagram accounts across the world. These are some of the most popular…

Durex India Instagram

The Instagram account for Durex India is @Durex.India.

Durex Instagram Global

The global Durex Instagram account is @DurexGlobal.

Instagram Durex UK

The Instagram account for Durex UK is @Durex.

READ ALSO: Milk and Honey Instagram

Post You’ve Liked in Instagram

It is possible to see the last 300 posts you’ve liked on Instagram. To do so…

  1. Tap profile or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap more options in the top right, then tapactivity controlsYour activity.
  3. Tap interactions Interactions, then tap Likes.
  4. Tap the post or video you’d like to view.

I’ve mentioned on this blog before that I am part-Ugandan.

I am sure, therefore, that it won’t come as much of a surprise to you then to learn that I spend a lot of time there, though I don’t write about it that often.

My Instagram photos, on the other hand, are a whole different story.

There, I share lots of pictures from my time in Uganda, be it when I’m hanging out in the city, indulging in touristic travel, or simply attending to family- or friend-related business.

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Today, I’d like to share some photos, posted since my last Instagram roundup post, that received the most likes on Instagram.

With one exception, all these photos were taken in Uganda.

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I hope you like them!

8. Stalactites at the Amabeere ga Nyina Mwiru Caves, near Fort Portal

Stalactites at the Amabeere ga Nyina Mwiru Caves, near Fort Portal

Amabeere (or Amabere) means ‘breasts’ in the language spoken by the people who live around the Amabeere ga Nyina Mwiru caves. Amabeere ga Nyina Mwiru means “the breasts of Nyina Mwiru”– and the name in the local tradition and Toro folklore has it that the caves acquired the name after King Bukuku of Toro chopped off the breasts of his daughter Nyina Mwiru and had them thrown inside these caves, following a prophecy that his daughter would one day get married and have a son, Ndahura, who would kill the king and take over his throne. According to local legend the prophecy came true.

In reality, the scientific explanation is that the so-called breasts are stalactites and are made up of calcium carbonate which when blended with water drip down and form the stalactites that you see in this picture. The water dripping made to look milky by the calcium carbonate is called “breast milk” by the local people who live near the Amabeere Caves.

Caption credit: kabiza.com

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7. The Lake on the 20,000 Ugandan Shilling Note

Kigere Lake, the Lake on the Ugandan Shilling 20,000 Note

The 20,000 shilling note is the second largest bank note printed in Uganda (and boy were we happy when it was finally introduced!). Ever wondered what the imagery on the 20,000 shilling note is? I finally spotted it here. It’s Kigere Lake (‘Foot’ Lake) outside Fort Portal. Whose foot? More on that in this picture.

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6. Rock Salt & Lake Katwe

Rock Salt & Lake Katwe

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Lake Katwe in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda juxtaposed with rock salt, one of the types of salt harvested from it. Rock salt is an essential ingredient for some of the local delicacies from around this region, e.g., eshabwe, a delicious(!) white sauce made from ghee, rock salt, table salt and water. Rock salt is also used in cooking to soften beans and pumpkin leaves. Do you (or your people) cook with rock salt? If so, how? Please let me know in the comments below.

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Josefine Simone Insta

Joefine Simone’s instagram account is @JosefineSimoneDahl. This is not a verified account but it looks reasonably like it is hers.

Photo Credits: Pulse.ng

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