Places to Stay Nairobi Recommendation #8: Silver Springs Hotel Nairobi & More

READ ALSO: Do These Prices Include Breakfast? & More Places to Stay Nairobi Recommendation #8: Silver Springs Hotel Silver Springs Hotel is a 4-star hotel in the busy neighborhood of Hurlingham. It’s located on the same street as Nairobi Hospital, one of Nairobi’s best hospitals. It has beautiful spacious renovated rooms. The Deluxe Suites are… Continue reading Places to Stay Nairobi Recommendation #8: Silver Springs Hotel Nairobi & More

Aylin Basaran & More

READ ALSO: Do These Prices Include Breakfast? & More Aylin Basaran Aylin Basaran is a PhD candidate at the Department of Contemporary History, University of Vienna (Chair for Visual and Cultural History), where she has been working as a university assistant and research assistant and is currently affiliated as a research fellow. She is also… Continue reading Aylin Basaran & More

Kenya Airways the Pride of Africa Comes to the Rescue

Kenya Airways the Pride of Africa Comes to the Rescue I called Kenya Airways Reservations in Nairobi (a number that I practically have on speed dial 🙂 ), sure that finally we would find some sort of resolution to our problem. And we did. Within 10 minutes (although I called Kenya Airways after 10 p.m.),… Continue reading Kenya Airways the Pride of Africa Comes to the Rescue