African Blogs: 20 Hottest Blogs in East Africa

The Words Blog on a Clothes Line

Looking for good East African blogs? Then you are in the right place. Keep reading to learn more.

I recently had the pleasure of spending an entire week with one of my favorite cousins who was visiting from Kampala.

We hung out and caught up like we used to way back in the day when we were both still single young females (I am still single; she’s married with four kids).

We talked about everything under the sun, and of course, because she’s an avid reader of Chick About Town, we also talked about blogging and about our respective experiences in the blogosphere.

During one such conversation, my cousin let on that she now reads blogs regularly and that she discovered a couple of the blogs she reads through my “The Chick Behind the Blog…” post.

I was surprised and pleased.

The blogs she mentioned are ones that I enjoy reading, and I knew her life must be richer for reading those blogs too.

It got me thinking.

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My Foray Into the East African Blogosphere

Although I never read blogs before I started blogging (don’t ask me how I decided to start blogging—call it divine inspiration :-)), I have since become an avid frequenter of the blogosphere, in general, and the East African blogosphere, in particular.

Why the East African blogosphere?

Well, mainly for two reasons.

First, the subject of my blog is East Africa so I tend to attract East African readers. It’s only natural, therefore, when these readers also happen to be bloggers, to be curious about their blogs and to find my way to them.

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Animals walking through Africa

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In the 12+ years that I’ve been blogging, I’ve come to know (and love) my fair share of blogs in the East African blogosphere this way.

The second reason is a little more intentional.

Reading East African blogs helps me to keep informed about everyday life in the different countries that make up the region.

There’s nothing like reading blogs to find out what’s truly on the hearts and minds of a people.

Blogs and related keywords

And now to today’s list.

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With the endless number of blogs across the East African blogosphere, how do I choose which blogs to read regularly?

Honestly, it’s quite simple: I don’t.

Instead, I let someone else do the choosing for me.


Yes, you heard me right.

To figure out what blogs to read in the East African blogosphere, I turn to Afrigator, an African social media aggregator.

Without getting into too much detail, I simply log in to Afrigator, which allows me to select African countries from which to view social media content.

Reading text on a tablet

For a composite view of East African blogs, I simply select the 5 individual countries that comprise the East African Community—Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda—and voilà!  I have a great starting point to finding the hottest blogs in the region.

So…interested in finding out the 20 hottest blogs in East Africa today?

With no further ado, the 20 hottest blogs in East Africa today (according to Afrigator) are:

20 Hottest East African Blogs

Top East African blogs ranked by Afrigator
  1. Afro Articles
  2. Blog for News
  3. Marathon You Can Do It
  4. Saharan Vibe
  5. Jambo Network
  6. Uganda Insomniac
  7. PoliticalArticles.NET
  8. Full Shangwe
  9. A Nairobian’s Perspective!
  10. Bankelele
  11. Appfrica
  12. African Music Forum
  13. Total Knockout
  14. Africa Expat Wives Club
  15. Food, Fun & Farm Life in East Africa!
  16. kenyantykoon’s blog
  17. FotoBaraza
  18. Confluence
  19. Wananchi Forums
  20. my wretched consciousness
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Blog overlay

Now tell me, are you familiar with the blogs on this list?

Do some of your favorites feature here?

If so, which ones are they?

Which blogs did you think would feature on this list but didn’t? (And before you write me any nasty-grams, yes, I know that this is not an all-inclusive list and that there are many East African blogs not on the Afrigator network. Still, a woman’s gotta start somewhere! :-))

So that’s it from me for now.

I hope you found this post interesting but more importantly, I hope that through this list you discover a great new East African blog that you’d never read before.

When you do, please be sure to leave me a comment and tell me all about it.

As always, I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Until the next time,

P. S. To be sure not to miss future posts on ChickAboutTown, sign up to receive posts directly by email.

Photo Credits:, East African bloggers, HubSpot, The Corridor of Uncertainty, Neil Patel


    1. Hi Nairobian Perspective,

      Welcome to ChickAboutTown!

      I think this is the first time you’ve commented on my blog though I’ve commented a number of times on yours (especially in the past couple of days :-)) The “favorable mention” was my pleasure: I was only stating facts.

      Kudos to you for writing and maintaining such a consistently high-ranking blog!


  1. Hi, I didnt know my blog was in the top three, am flattered. Two years of hard work is finally paying off. To all East African bloggers – Every quarter google pays its partners on Adsense program, US $ 1.5 billion. GO FOR YOUR SHARE OF GOOGLE BONANZA!

    Warmly Constantine

    1. Hi Constantine,

      Welcome to ChickAboutTown!

      Yes, best believe it! At the time I put up this post, your blog was among the top 3. Hongera sana!

      Thanks for sharing about Google Adsense. I would love to hear more about your experience with the program. Care to share? Since I imagine you might not be comfortable telling more in a comment, please feel free to respond to this comment by email at I’d really love to hear more.

      Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

    1. Hi Misswretched,

      Welcome to ChickAboutTown!

      I discovered your blog a little before writing this post and enjoy it very much! I agree: take this as a sign that you should continue to keep your blog hot. As you see, we really appreciate what you have to say!

      Looking forward to reading more from you soon,

    1. Hi Tumwijuke,

      Welcome to ChickAboutTown!

      Thanks for the kudos. I will do my best to post more often. Coming from you, I really have no excuse not to rise to the challenge. I once read your blog on a day when you’d posted 4 times on the same day. Now that’s what I call some serious blogging! Hats off to you! 🙂


  2. The rankings are biased they can’t forget which receives over 200,000 clicks a day!

    1. Ole Siringoti,

      It’s funny you mention this but Issa Michuzi is included in this ranking because he is on the Afrigator network. Because I have heard so many Tanzanians tell me about Michuzi’s great traffic, I’ve checked this out before for myself.

      Personally, I’ve always wanted to ask Michuzi about the apparent discrepancy. Is his traffic as high as people say it is, or is it just a myth?(Unfortunately, the one time we interacted socially, I never got round to asking him.) Having experienced the popularity of his blog first hand (a picture of me once appeared on it, and I was surprised by the number of people who told me they’d seen it), I’ve also wondered why he doesn’t rank higher on Afrigator.

      Well, only he and Afrigator can clear this up for us. All I was doing was reporting Afrigator’s ranking of East African blogs on the day on which I wrote this post.


  3. Thanks so much for this post, I’ve only just seen it today & am ranked 15.) great to know that there are so many great East African bloggers out there, & I’m happy to be part of this great community 🙂

  4. Hi Lynda,

    Welcome to ChickAboutTown! I read your blog often (and enjoy it very much), so it’s a great pleasure to see you comment on mine. Congratulations on being among East Africa’s top bloggers. I look forward to seeing more of you around here.


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