Absolute Juice Delivery Nairobi & Other Juice Bars in the City

Fruit juice from a juice bar nairobi

This post was orginally about Absolute Juice Nairobi, which is currently temporarily closed.

If you came here looking for Absolute Juice delivery Nairobi, here’s more about juice bars in the city.

Juice Bar Nairobi/Juice Near Me

If you are looking for a juice bar in Nairobi other than Absolute Juice, you can find one at Bikram Yoga Nairobi on the 2nd floor of Lavington Green Shopping Center, above Chandarana.

Juice Bar Delivery Nairobi (including Chiq Japanese Nairobi)

Absolute Juice is not the only juice bar in Nairobi where you can order juices from for delivery.

You can also order juices from a variety of other places including Daily Juice Bar and Japanese Chiq Juice Bar, on Uber Eats and Glovo respectively.

Fresh Juice Near Me: Juicee Nairobi

Juicee Nairobi is a burger joint and juice bar near Dagoretti Corner in Nairobi, which serves very good smoothies.

Absolute Juice Nairobi
The Food Loft, 2nd Floor
Yaya Centre
Tel: +254-20-201037

Update Feb. 2022: Absolute Juice is temporarily closed.

Absolute Juice Delivery Nairobi

If you are interested in ordering food and drinks from Absolute Juice, you can get Absolute Juice delivery through Jumia Food, Uber Eats, Glovo, and Yum.

Aren’t you guys really impressed with how Yaya Centre is reinventing itself?

Frankly, I am.

Every time I go to Yaya, there’s something new to see and contemplate.

I was recently surprised to see that Yaya Centre even has its very own Java.

I am not sure how Dormans and Java manage to coexist so close to each other, but that’s for them to worry about while I get the pleasure of enjoying both coffee houses at a place so convenient to me. 🙂

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Although a lot of the changes that have taken place at Yaya are quite superficial, some of the changes are not superficial at all.

Take, for instance, the opening of what seems to be a whole new wing on the second floor.

You know the one that houses the gym, and the children’s play area?

Yep, where did that come from? Is that where the Indian restaurant Minar used to be located?

Well, not only does this area house a gym and a play area, this new wing also houses a great new eatery called Absolute Juice.

Yaya Centre Slogan at Entrance

Absolute Juice Nairobi

Absolute Juice specializes in fresh fruit and vegetable juices as well as other healthy foods.

By that, I don’t mean the disgusting stuff that’s normally fed to you in the name of it being healthy. I am referring to delicious drinks and food that are healthier versions of regular favorites.

Recently, I met up with some childhood friends at Absolute Juice for lunch.

I liked what I saw.

I had a Ham and Cheese sandwich, while they both had a Chicken Salad.

The Ham and Cheese was very, very good and fared well in comparison to a Ham and Cheese sandwich that I had had at Java the previous day (we all know how good Java food is! 🙂 ).

The only difference was that this sandwich was also full of vegetables.

A ham and cheese at Absolute Juice

I am not a fan of vegetables (there I said it!) but this sandwich was scrumptious!

The Chicken Salad that my friends had was also very good.

Unlike other Chicken Salads that are overloaded with mayonnaise, this Chicken Salad had lots of chicken and lots of interesting vegetables such as different colored peppers.

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Not only was the salad delicious but also pretty to look at.

The Juices

How can I talk about Absolute Juice without mentioning their specialty…juices?

The juices served at Absolute Juice are as fresh and refreshing as they come.

That day, we all opted to have the cocktail of the day, Strawberry Burst.

Absolute Juice delivery Nairobi sample

This cocktail was a mix of strawberry juice, mango juice, and a citrus juice that I can no longer recall.

It was outstanding!

Along with a wide variety of fruit and vegetable juices (and cocktails), Absolute Juice also serves smoothies.

I am not a fan of smoothies, so I cannot vouch for them personally. Let me just tell you, though, that I have a friend whose favorite request whenever I’m visiting her is that I pass by Yaya to get her a smoothie called Sunlight something or other.

It’s a constant craving!

If you haven’t been to Absolute Juice before, pass by the next time you are at Yaya and in need of refreshment.

I am sure you’ll like it.

Let me know what you think when you do.

Until the next time,

Food from Absolute Juice Nairobi Overlay

Absolut Juice

Absolut Juice is a new product range by Absolut, the popular vodka brand.

Absolut Juice Strawberry and Apple

Absolut Juice products contain Absolut Vodka, real fruit juice, and other natural flavors.

Their alcohol content is 35% alcohol by volume. Be clear: these are bona fide spirits not alcopops.

Absolut Juice currently comes in four flavors, or editions:

    • Absolut Juice Strawberry Edition
    • Absolut Juice Apple Edition
    • Absolut Juice Pear & Elderflower Edition, and
    • Absolut Juice Rhubarb Edition

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Photo Credit: Kenya Buzz, absolute-juice.com, Nitter, Uber Eats


  1. Hey Biche. Avid reader of your blog here, I’ve been to most places you review. I wish you’d actually review professionally. It’s a great blog, keep doing what you do.

  2. By professionally I meant for some of our local papers, you and John Fox (Sunday Nation) are seriously the only reviewers I read

  3. Hi Sbacrest,

    Welcome to ChickAboutTown! Thanks for all your positive words. I would love to review professionally and hope that ChickAboutTown is the first step into breaking into that career (You don’t want to know what day job I’m actually trained to do! :-))

    Anyhow, you’ve given me a new challenge: to introduce you to a new place that you’ve not yet been to! I’ll keep it in mind. Please let me know when you do learn of somewhere new, (good), and unexpected through ChickAboutTown.

    I look forward to receiving more feedback from you.


  4. I went here after reading your post. Pretty good. I think it’s funny that you can order your sandwich by the number of slices of bread! But the really exceptional thing here was the juice. Delicious, and probably the best I’ve had at a restaurant here.

  5. So the name was well deserved, Fake Expatriate?

    Thanks for sharing your experience at Absolute Juice. What’s this about ordering by the number of slices of bread in your sandwich? I never exprienced that. Tell me more.


  6. Hi Biche,
    I’ve actually been looking for a place that sells sumptuous sandwiches apart from Java.Will def check out this place next time I’m on rnr-thanks alot.To think I came across your blog via a car review!

    1. Hi Sojourner,

      Welcome to ChickAboutTown!

      Have you tried Absolute Juice yet? If so, what did you think?

      For another place with great sandwiches, check out Mukutan Garden Café at Fairview Hotel in Upper Hill. I love that the sandwich options at Mukutan include sandwiches with (real) pita bread and (real) bagels! Let me know what you think if you do.


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