21 Photos from Around East Africa

It’s that time again: time for a little show and tell.

What should you expect to see this time?

Lots and lots of pictures of food across the region, pictures of Zanzibar—it seems it’s Zanzibar season in my life because I’ve been to Zanzibar not once but twice since the pictures from my last Instagram recap post—and unexpectedly, quite a few pictures of me, some even with  friends and family.

Without further ado, here goes….

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READ ALSO: East Africa Pictures

No. 21: Kafunda, Nairobi

Kafunda, Nairobi

You know there’s got to be something special about this hole-in-the-wall bar in Hurlingham, Nairobi for word of it to reach me all the way in Dar es Salaam.

And surely there is.

Located on Argwings Kodhek Grove, off Argwings Kodhek Road, this bar is known as ‘Kafunda’, which literally means “a small place you squeeze in” in Ugandan local languages, and is also the way Ugandans generally refer to small local bars.

Possibly the friendliest bar in Nairobi, I am told that at Kafunda, 1) you must greet everyone in the bar and introduce yourself to them when you enter the bar and 2) once you tell the owner-cum-barman, Eddie, what you are drinking, you’ll never have to again because he will always remember it.

I had a great time at Kafunda a couple of weeks ago, and as the regulars would put it…I am happy to have popped my Kafunda cherry. I look forward to the next time! 😁

In case you are wondering how the bar got its name, no, the owner is not Ugandan. Rather, the bar was baptized Kafunda by some of its Ugandan regulars and the name stuck!

Have you ever been to Kafunda? If so, let me know by leaving me a comment! 🙂

READ ALSO: Hotels in Aberdare, U.K & Aberdare, Kenya

Nos. 20 & 19: Dar es Salaam Shenanigans

My Niece-in-Law’s Surprise Baby Shower

When your niece (@Pamela_Malezi_Bora) calls you to join a family photo when you’ve got a huge piece of grilled meat in your mouth, you try to smile with your eyes. Hehehehe…#FAIL.

See also  11 Interesting Pictures of East Africa & More

Congratulations @Vinny_Elvin & @Jocelyne_Maro on your little bundle of joy.

To all of you in this picture, I am so so happy and blessed to call you family. #FamilyRocks #MyFamilyKnowsHowToThrowAParty

READ ALSO: 11 Hotel Recommendations for Uganda: Kampala, Entebbe, Jinja & More

Chocolate Makes your clothes shrink

Isn’t that a fact?! For more amazing wisdom from the bathroom at SALT restaurant in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, go to bit.ly/19Photos.

No. 18: Travelling in Tanzania

Zebra in the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania

A zebra on the move, Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania

Go to bit.ly/NgorongoroCrater to learn more about the marvelous things there are to see in Tanzania’s Ngorongoro Crater.

READ ALSO: Rooftop Restaurants & Bars in Nairobi

Nos. 17 & 16: Treats in Dar es Salaam

Cookies and muffins at Soul Treats Bakery in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

I’ve been eating @SoulTreatsTz goodies for YEARS now but only visited their bakery in Namanga for the first time a couple of weeks ago.

Look at all the goodies that were staring at me as I waited to order cake! Do you think I managed to resist temptation? 🙈🙈🙈

Go to bit.ly/39Pics to see some of the goodies I’ve gotten from Soul Treats before—scroll down to about halfway through the list.

Pizza with cheesy bites

My new guilty pleasure after a late night of partying: pizza from Pizza Hut in Oysterbay, especially if it’s got cheesy bites! (As though extra cheese were not enough.)

What are cheesy bites? Those mozzarella-cheese-filled bread rolls attached to the pizza‘s crust. Aye aye aye! Sinful pleasure!🙆🏿‍♂️

No. 15: A Perfect Steak, SALT, Dar es Salaam

Steak and fries, SALT

Does a plate of steak get better than this? I dare say not!

Where from? @Salt_RestaurantTz in Oysterbay, Dar es Salaam.

That day I learned: when trying to decide between a sirloin steak, a fillet steak, and a T-bone steak, opt for the T-bone steak which has sirloin steak on one side of the “T” bone and fillet steak on the other. You get the best of both worlds! Now you know. 🙂

Apart from great food and what I now call the best Mojito in town, Salt is a charming little restaurant that makes you smile at every turn, for one because of all the little signs around the restaurant.

To get an idea of what I mean, go to bit.ly/19Photos and scroll down to number 18.

No. 14: Zanzibar Accommodation: Park Hyatt Zanzibar

Trees at the Park Hyatt Zanzibar - hanging out in Stone Town before visiting Matemwe hotels

Enjoying the leafy courtyard at the Park Hyatt Zanzibar.

Go to bit.ly/ZanzibarTips to find out more about what there is to see, do, and experience on the magical island of Zanzibar.

No. 13: A Taste of Childhood

Attiéké at Mama Ashanti

Attiéké (fermented grated cassava), a staple of Ivorian cuisine, served up in the beautiful gardens of @MamaAshantiKenya. Tastes from your childhood always hold a special place in your heart!

Go to bit.ly/MamaAshantiNairobi to find out more about this Nairobi restaurant which serves up West African fare.

No. 12: On Point BBQ Kitchen, Mbezi Africana, Dar es Salaam

Grilled Meat at On Point BBQ Kitchen

I finally made it out to @On_Point_BBQ_Kitchen in Mbezi Beach Africana, where my cousin Chef Mwabuki makes some mean, mean barbecued meat. Justin, these farm sausages were amazing! I can’t wait for the next time!

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No. 11: On the Way to Matemwe Hotels

On the Way to Matemwe Hotels: Little Boat on the Indian Ocean, Zanzibar Channel

It looks like a painting but it isn’t. It’s just an ordinary day in Tanzania. I looked out the ferry window and saw it was drizzling, hoping against hope that the rain wouldn’t mar what was supposed to be a fantabulously fun weekend in Zanzibar with the girls. Thank God, it didn’t.

Go to bit.ly/ZanzibarTips to find out more about what there is to see, do, and experience on the magical island of Zanzibar.

No. 10: Mama Ashanti, Nairobi

Attiéké poission Mama Ashanti Kenya

About to throw down on some serious attiéké (fermented grated cassava) & fried fish with my sister-girl Belinda at @MamaAshantiKenya in Nairobi. We were not playing. Do you see her rings on the table? Yep, we were about to dig in with our hands and do the food justice…just like we’d done together so many times in our childhood.

Go to bit.ly/MamaAshantiNairobi to find out more about this awesome Nairobi restaurant that serves up West African delicacies!

No. 9: Getting to Matemwe Hotels – The Ferry to Zanzibar

Getting to Matemwe Hotels: Biche in the Azam ferry to Zanzibar

Setting sail to Zanzibar. If you travel in the VIP section of the Azam ferry, you might as well be in the cabin of a plane, with much the same comfort and barely able to tell that you are travelling on water. BUT…you will miss the pleasure of the sun, ocean view, ocean spray, and the wind on your face that travelling on an outdoor deck offers. I still can’t decide what I prefer!

Go to bit.ly/ZanzibarTips to get my best tips on what to do when you are visiting the magical island of Zanzibar.

Nos. 8 – 6: Dining with Gal Pals, Dar es Salaam

Gallo Wine at Two-O-Six

If you find me drinking rosé wine, chances are I am dining with my gal pal @E_A_foodie. This wine was perfectly chilled and deliciously fruity. Thanks for the introduction, @E_A_foodie, I will be drinking this one again!

Dining at a ‘bring your own wine‘ event at @TheTwoOSix on the night they launched their new menu. Everything I tasted was FINGER LICKIN’ GOOD. The half-eaten cheesecake in this photo may not look like much but the taste…Oh, oh, oh!

Go follow soon-to-be East African food and travel blogger, @e_a_foodie: her blog will be launching soon. Knowing her personally, I know we’ll all be in for a real treat with her blog! 🙂

Eating Ethiopian Food at Rohobot with VeroI had an amazing time chowing down with my gal pal @VeronicaKundya.

@VeronicaKundya is not only a Forever Living guru but has lost an amazing 17 kg in only one year.

Want to know how?

Go follow @VeronicaKundya and she’ll tell you all about it.

See also  The Backstory & More

I’ll post one of her before and after pictures for you very soon.

Well done, @VeronicaKundya! 👏🏿👏🏿


#Repost @veronicakundya


Guys , have you ever been wondering where to eat some nice food when you are in a certain country, what fun activities, accommodation in certain beautiful places or even what events that are about to happen ?

Then wonder no more, @chickabouttown is a well-connected blogger so what to do is click the follow button @chickabouttown @chickabouttown and you will be updated on everything that’s happened, is happening and about to happen 👌👌👌

@Chickabouttown, you are an amazing soul 😍😍😍

Thank you for the invite and all that I got to experience yesterday at Rohobot Ethiopian Restaurant🙏🙏🙏

No. 5: Late-Night Meanderings, Dar es Salaam

Moon in sky, Dar es Salaam

When you can’t fall asleep so are roaming the streets at night. Palm trees against a night sky.

It turns out I look up at the sky a lot and see enough beauty there to try and capture it.

You can find more pictures of the sky across East Africa at bit.ly/19Photos.

READ ALSO: Hotels in Bagamoyo & Nicolaus Club Bagamoyo Resort, Sibari

Nos. 4 & 3: Pictures Taken From up High

Kenya Airways in the skies

Flying the skies with @OfficialKenyaAirways. Goodbye, Dar es Salaam; hello, Nairobi!

People LOVE to complain about what a horrible airline Kenya Airways is, but after flying with Kenya Airways for over 30 years, I stand by my opinion that they are one of the most trustworthy African airlines flying the skies today.


Come on over to my blog and I’ll give you my reasons.

Go to bit.ly/KenyaAirways2, then let me know if you agree with me or not in the comment section of the post.

See you there! #NoFilter

Dar es Salaam Harbour from Level 8

Dar es Salaam’s downtown waterfront by night as viewed from Level 8 at The Hyatt Regency Dar es Salaam, The Kilimanjaro.

Did someone recently call our city “the fishing village of Dar es Salaam”? Hahahaha…think again!

Go to bit.ly/DarPosts to see more posts about Dar es Salaam on my blog.

No. 2: Sisterly Love at Its Best

Senene at Sylliche's

When you go spend the day with your sister and she spoils you real good with a whole plate of fried grasshoppers. Yay, it’s senene season! 👏🏿👏🏿

No. 1: Daddy’s (Not So) Little Girl

Dad & I

When your father gets the medical all-clear, you can’t help but smile a little brighter and take a selfie to send to the rest of the family. I wish you long (healthy) life, Dad! #DaddysNotSoLittleGirl #NotBadFor71

So there you go, folks!

I hope you enjoyed my show and tell.

Let me know in the comment section below if any of these pictures struck a chord with you.

As always, I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Until the next time,

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