10 Most Commented On Posts on Chick About Town (or Happy 3rd Birthday, Chick About Town!)

Three Cake

Hi. Believe it or not, today ChickAboutTown turns three!

You can’t believe it? Neither can I. Where did all the years go?

What I can say for sure is that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed writing this blog and interacting with you, my dear readers and fellow bloggers, over the past three years.

As one often does on anniversaries, today I am reminiscing.

I am looking at the highlights and the “low-lights” of  my blogging journey over the past three years.

Without going into too many details, I’ve been looking through my archives trying to figure out what it is that you most enjoyed, what you didn’t, what I most enjoyed, and what I didn’t.

For instance, for the first time ever, I thought to take a look at which posts had you talking the most, i.e., those that generated the most comments from you.

That made for an interesting find.

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If that’s a measure of what’s most interesting to you, then it seems that you are most interested in traveling, keeping in shape, sex, me, getting out of town, taking care of how you look, and hanging out…in about that order.

Or…maybe that’s just what interests me the most, so those are the subjects I write the most exciting posts about. 😉

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Whatever the case, I thought I’d share what I found out with you.

Here are the 10 most commented on posts on ChickAboutTown over the past three years.

See also  Welcome to ChickAboutTown.com

For those of you who have been reading me from the get-go, I hope this list takes you on a pleasant trip down memory lane reminding you of some of the posts that touched you the most.

For those of you that are relatively new arrivals to this blog, I hope this list exposes you to a few interesting posts that you’ve never read before.

Whatever the case, keep the comments coming—I always enjoy hearing from you, dear reader.

Without further ado, the 10 most commented on posts on ChickAboutTown are…

  1. Nairobi – Kampala by Bus, Part I
  2. Body N’ Soul Gym, Kilimani, Nairobi
  3. Durex Play 2-in-1 Massage Gel
  4. The Chick Behind the Blog…
  5. Olepolos Country Club
  6. Nice & Lovely Petroleum Jelly
  7. Dreadlock Thoughts
  8. Kosewe/Ranalo Foods
  9. Casablanca (on a Saturday Night)
  10. Yaya Centre – Y go anywhere else?

I look forward to receiving many more comments from you for many years to come.

Until the next time,

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  1. Hey, hey!! You guessed it – I can’t believe it’s been three years either! 🙂 Happy, happy Birthday!!!

  2. Is it too late to wish you a happy 3rd blog birthday?? That cake looks delish, is there still some remaining by any chance? 😛 3 years is quite the milestone, bon anniverssaire (sp)

  3. Hi Nkirdizzle,

    Welcome to ChickAboutTown!

    Nope, it’s never too late. Merci Beaucoup! Cake remaining? I wish. That’s just a pic I nipped off the Internet. Looks delish, no? 🙂


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