Durex Foam & More

2 bottles of Durex foam

READ ALSO: 6 Best Cooling Mattress Toppers

Durex Foam

Durex Play Pleasure Foam, also known as Durex Play 2in1 Massage Mousse, is a personal lubricant that comes in the form of a foam.

To find out more about popular personal lubricants made by Durex, click here.

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Durex Beds: Durex Bed Price

You can expect to pay anywhere from ₹ 2,500 to ₹ 30,350 for a Durex bed depending on the size and material it is made of.

Find out more about that here.

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Durex on Bed

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RwandaFoam Price/Rwanda Foam Price

You can buy a Rwanda Foam mattress for anywhere from 14,400 RwF and 256,064 RwF depending on how dense the mattress is and what its dimensions are.

The lower price corresponds to a Density 16 Single Size Rwandafoam Mattress while the more expensive price corresponds to an Emperor Sized Orthopedic Rwandafoam Mattress-2.5.

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Are hot nights keeping you awake, tossing and turning in your bed?

I know the feeling too well! It’s so frustrating to wake up in the morning more tired than you were when you went to bed.

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But it’s challenging to find the right balance when you’re up against high temperatures.

That’s why I think it’s vital to learn a few tricks. These tricks will help you sleep better even during hot nights; and some of these methods are, in fact, utterly forthcoming and easy to apply.

One of the brightest things you can do is try to cool down your mattress since this is what you sleep on the entire night.

Here are a few solutions I discovered to be extremely beneficial on those hot nights when you crave solid sleep.

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Use a Mattress Pad

There are several models of mattress pads on the market which are primarily designed for reducing the body’s temperature – and this is just one way to make your mattress more comfortable.

I’m talking about gel toppers, gel memory pads or even pads that circulate water at a pre-scheduled temperature of your choice, to keep you fresh while sleeping.

Also, remember that an ideal choice for hot nights is to use all-cotton or bamboo sheets and lightweight covers made of natural, breathable fibers.

mattress pad
You can put a mattress pad on a Durex mattress to make it more comfortable (check mattress price here).

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Add Water Pillows

I know a water mattress would be the perfect option for those blazing nights, but not everyone can afford to switch beds according to seasons!

You could use water-filled pillows, though, especially since there are models that allow you to adjust their height and saturation.

Unlike regular products, these items can limit heat load.

Use Cooling Toppers on Your Durex Mattress

These specific products are made from gel-infused memory foam.

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Their main feature is to take in your body heat and distribute it equitably during your rest.

But there are also cotton toppers, which feel great against your skin and let the air flow freely in the comfortable layer of space created between your body and the mattress.

Wool toppers are also great because they naturally keep you dry and sweat free (plus, they protect you from allergens).

Wool mattress topper that can be used on a Durex mattress.
A mattress topper can make your Durex mattress feel more cool (check mattress price here).

Go for Smart Mattress Protection or Covers on Your Durex Matress

Smart mattress covers or protections are the newest technology on the market, and they are marvelous!

One awesome gadget is the cooling mattress protector, initially dedicated to astronauts: it has a waterproof base, a thermo-regulator fabric layer, and a breathable cotton top.

Due to this particular composition, it will absorb your body heat during the night. It will then store that heat and discharge it as necessary.

I think this is an outstanding invention, and it’s so great that it’s available now for everyone, not just space explorers.

You could also get smart by acquiring an original cover. These covers can cool the mattress down and even control the bedroom environment for you.

Such products are top-notch nowadays, so ask for one when you go to a retailer to try mattress after mattress until you find the right one for you.

Smart mattress cover

Adjust Your Bed

One simple trick to allow air to circulate below your mattress (and thus help it maintain the right temperature) is to put wooden boards underneath your bed, keeping plenty of open space between them.

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If you cannot modify your bed, you could try to exchange it for a model that allows full airflow underneath.

Remember that excessive body heat, accumulated over time, will only soften your mattress (especially if it’s memory foam) and you will experience more discomfort every night.

In the end, the bed will lose its supportive shape, and you’ll have to buy a new one a lot sooner than necessary.

Photo Credits: Ubuyjonsguide.org, Durex India, Durex Germany, Durex Facebook page


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